The second day of the CPI(M)’s Plenum on Organisation  began at the Promode Dasgupta  Bhawan today morning at 11.00 a.m. with the introduction of the “Draft Resolution on Organisation” by General Secretary Sitaram Yechury.


The draft lays down the need “to strengthen and streamline the Party’s organisational capacities to meet the current challenges by unleashing mightier people’s struggles to develop the independent strength” of the Party in conformity with the political-tactical line adopted at the 21st Congress of the Party. The Congress held at Vishakapattanam in April this year, had laid stress on forging the Left and Democratic Front.


The Draft Resolution underlined the imperative to vastly develop the organisational capacities of the Party to enable it to accomplish these revolutionary objectives and emerge as the political party of the vast majority of the exploited classes in the objective situation of the world capitalist crisis and intensified exploitation. Domestically, the CPI(M) “has an alternative policy framework” which will enable the Indian people “to realise their inherent potential and create a better India on that basis”. As also because, the CPI(M) is the only political party that offers the Indian youth a vision of a better future…. which puts forward alternative policies to marshal our country’s resources to provide our youth with quality education, good health and sustainable employment”.


Sitaram Yechury underscored the fact that the CPI(M) is a “consistent political force that advocates and struggles for the unity of our multi-religious, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic population against all efforts at sharpening communal polarisation and thwarting the RSS/BJP designs to impose their project of a rabidly intolerant fascistic ‘Hindu Rashtra’”.


Towards achieveing these tasks the Draft calls upon the Party to take up social issues in a big way, while simultaneously taking up the issues of economic exploitation and social oppression – “the two feet upon which stands the advance of class struggles in India.” Among the social issues identified for taking up by the entire Party are the “championing the struggle against gender oppression, discrimination against the dalits, tribals, disabled and religious minorities”.


The draft also outlines the various methods that need to be employed to expand the influence of the Party and strengthening the Party organization as its vision can only be materailised if the organisational capacities of the Party are strengthened enormously.


After the introduction of the Draft Resolution, the discussions along with the draft report began. In the morning session today three delegates participated in the discussion – P. Rajeev from Kerala, Samik Lahiri from West Bengal and Narayan Kar from Tripura.


The discussions on both these documents will continue till the evening of December 30.